Business Solutions
"On a number of occasions, we have worked with organisations that have engaged with DTB Business Solutions, utilising their business analysis, financial planning and consultancy services, in order to deliver often problematic transformational change and growth. DTB’s success comes from the fact that they have independently worked at board level within industry, have genuine expertise, and understand trends, influences and practical business challenges. They possess the capacity to create and cultivate the precise business culture in order to achieve both short term and long term goals.
As such, when advising our clients in relation to business consultancy services, DTB are a trusted body, but also an organisation we’re proud to be associated with. If your business has a need to frame business objectives rapidly, facilitate introductions to create valuable relationships and maintain a focus and discipline on results, both the Directors Jonathan and Debbie of DTB would be far pushed to be bettered. We have worked together in some very ambiguous environments and cultures, and the level of trust established with DTB and their clients has been the foundation on which they have delivered recognizable success."
Mark Geraghty
Founder & Managing Director
Amygdala Search
"Look behind the dtb logo and you will find a team that deliver. I have seen the positive effect they can have on the performance of a business and would recommend starting a conversation with them."
John Shinnick
Shinnick LLP
"I have been working with Debbie & Jonathan at DTB Business Solutions now for almost 2 years. When we first got together I was running a profitable business that was very reliant on one key client and as I as “Managing Director “was very much hands on with all day to day operations. Over the two-year period they have helped me to move away from day to day operations, identify the key markets that we operate in, underpin the business with solid foundations, develop new systems, analyse software, develop marketing materials and many other aspects to develop the business. The business has reached a new level, is no longer reliant on the one key client and is growing all the time. Debbie and Jonathan have been easy to work with and their combined experience has been a fantastic asset to my business."
Andrew Globe
Managing Director